Laser Therapy & Laser-Puncture Reduces Pain & Speeds Healing
Laser Testimonials
Laser Testimonials
"I have used it on painful anal glands with success and have added it to my protocol after acupuncture for disk problems and have seen faster pain relief"
Deb Brown DVM
“I have treated two military working dogs with chronic arthritis and the results have been remarkable! I am also using the laser at 50 Hz for anti-aging and my friends all wonder what miracle cream I have! It is my secret! YES, I LOVE this laser!”
Tolani Francisco DVM
"It has given me startling and wonderful results for pain management and reduction of edema / swelling! I have had great results with scrotal hematomas, acute soft tissue injures and chronic DJD cases. I now use it on patients that would not sit still for the longer traditional acupuncture treatments times."
Wendy Asato DVM CVA
"After seeing how well my patients respond and feeling the results in my own knee, shoulder, and other bodily locations where I was having pain, I became convinced that this laser would be a vital component to my veterinary acupuncture practice. The responses I elicit with the laser is more profound and occurs more rapidly. And there is no uncomfortable sensation created by the laser-puncture. I can now work more easily on my patients that are less than cooperative or more prone to standing during treatment"
Patrick Mahaney VMD CVA CVJ
"For the last several years I have become increasingly disenchanted with and concerned about the overuse and the harmful effects of NSAIDs and other medications to alleviate pain in pets, thus my move into semi-retirement. Thanks to you, I now have a renewed passion for enhancing the well-being and quality of life of my patients - and their companions - through a holistic modality. It's suddenly Spring again!"
Aubrey Lavizzo DVM
"The power, portability and great results we see with our laser makes them a key modality we use everyday!"
Chad Davis DVM
For more video testimonials please visit:
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Introduction to Equine Therapist Lisa Cawte-Baker and the Multi Radiance ACTIVet Laser - 1080p HD
Mobile viewers please see our 720p version here: Pain relief and accelerated healing has a new ally with the MR4 ACTIVet